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Pink Sugar

Previous Projects

Listed below are projects I have previously done and participated in. 

Five books with roses.


- Research

- Critical Thinking

- Communication

- Collaborative Work


Grant Prospect Report 1

October 2023

I worked with a grant writing team to seek funding opportunities for a university-housed literary journal. The journal editor asked us to seek funding opportunities to publish a folio of works in translation, emphasizing lesser translated and marginalized languages. As a member of the grant writing team, I searched for funding opportunities, focusing on which opportunities were best suited to the organization, deadlines, submission requirements, and funding amounts. After reading our report, this organization continued to work with my team on writing and submitting a proposal for one of the opportunities I identified, the NEA Literary Arts Grant.


Confidential information is listed as "redacted" to maintain the organization's privacy. 


Accessibility Help Guide

December 2023

For the project, LynxConnect, CU Denver's career services center, asked that students help them make their materials (PowerPoints, PDFs, and data visualizations) more accessible by ensuring that materials met WCAG 2 accessibility standards and could be read by screen readers. They also asked for a help guide that their staff could follow to create accessible content. I collaborated with my advanced professional writing classmates to create this help guide for LynxConnect. My role was to describe why accessibility mattered; I listed the reasons accessibility benefits all of society.



- Research

- Critical Thinking

- Communication

- Collaborative Work

- Time Management

- Data Gathering

- Ability to Evaluate

Pink Liquid


- Research

- Critical Thinking

- Data Collecting

- Language Proficiency


Paper for Legal Studies

December 2023

For my Intro to Legal Studies course, I was tasked to select a topic discussed in class and argue for/against it. I selected the topic of Family Law, specifically, the failure of the involvement of Child Protective Services. I was inspired by the countless cases that families have lost against CPS when the ruling should've been a different response. Morality versus legality comes into play in this paper, listing the various cases (specifically lower-income and/or POC households). Through intense research on tragic and unfair cases, this paper conducted the study of prime examples that show the government failed to protect the very same they swore to protect.


Formal Business Recommendation

July 2023

In my Business Writing course, students were asked to write a proposal for a current and ongoing issue. I chose the topic of lowering textbook pricing, which hopefully would influence UCD's pricing. I researched why many students did not buy course-assigned textbooks and found that textbooks are unaffordable to lower-income students. Through the usage of charts, graphs, and in-depth research, I created this recommendation letter to the University of Colorado Denver's chancellor.

3D Pink Flower


- Research

- Critical Thinking

- Data Collecting

- Attention to Detail

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